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Wallpaper Removal 101

Yes, that's a flamethrower

by Nancy Thomas

Earlier this summer I had the experience of doing some major house renovations. One of these included stripping wallpaper. If you've never done this, you would think it was a fairly easy job. It's only paper, right?  I'm here to tell you that you would be wrong! My wallpaper was only removed after a lot of work and many different techniques were tried. Below are a few options you might find helpful should you ever have to deal with stubborn wallpaper.

  1. Spray chemical wallpaper remover on walls and scrape with plastic scrapers.

  2. Make holes in wallpaper with special 'scoring' tool, spray with mixture of liquid dish detergent and water, and scrape with metal scrapers.

  3. Use rented steaming machine, scrape with metal scrapers. Be careful around electrical outlets.

  4. Rent a high-pressure hose, aim directly at walls. Try to avoid electrical outlets.

  5. Rent a sand-blaster, again, aim directly at walls. Try to avoid getting any in your bathing suit.

  6. Borrow or steal one of those large rotating floor buffers they use in stores. Crazy glue a mixture of tacks, staples, steel wool and razors to the bottom. Apply to walls. Protective clothing is recommended.

  7. Purchase some liquid nitrogen.  Spray on your walls.  Simply remove with ice pick.

  8. Obtain some tigers and a selection of fresh beef steaks. Tie steaks to the ceiling at the top of the walls. Release tigers. Results may vary.

  9. Visit your local military surplus store and purchase a flame thrower. Failing that, . Apply fire to walls, then re-build house with brand new walls.

  10. Steal a time machine from the government, and go back and tell the previous owners that if they don't stop putting up wallpaper, you're coming back with the tigers.


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